Guide for authors, Preparation (text, references, illustration, tables)
Guide for authors

Authors are urgently requested, in their own interest (to guarantee speedy publication), to comply carefully with this recommendation. Submitted papers will be referred and, if necessary, authors may be invited to revise their manuscripts. There is no charge for publication and 25 free reprints will be sent to the first-named author of the paper. Additional reprints can be obtained at reasonable cost if ordered before publication, and an order form for this purpose will be sent to the author. Copies of the issue also can be ordered at a special discount.

Manuscripts (one original + two copies), in English only, should be sent to the address of Editor-in-Chief:

 Prof. Antoni Rogalski
 Editorial Office
 Institute of Applied Physics
 Military University of Technology
 2 Kaliskiego Str.
00-908 Warsaw

together with a copy on 3.5 inch floppy disc.

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Preparation of the


1. The manuscript should be typed double spaced preferably on A4 pages within the 2-cm margins. Original figures, figure captions, and tables with headings should be typed on separate sheets of paper.

2. The disc files should be prepared preferably in Microsoft Word or Word Perfect, however, in general, all major word processor formats are accepted. In exceptional cases the manuscript can be mailed without a disc copy, but then the authors would risk serious delay in the publication for their paper.

3. Each manuscript should start with a brief concise title in which only the first word is capitalised and no acronyms are used (unless they are widely known).

4. The title page should include the author’s (authors’) name(s) given without titles or scientific degrees like Prof., Ph.D., etc., however with the corresponding author marked by an asterisk. This should be followed by the affiliation of each of the authors. For the corresponding author the full mailing address with phone and fax numbers (e-mail welcome) are requested to be given on a separate sheet of paper.

5. The text of the paper should be preceded by a concise abstract, and at least three keywords, which characterise the subject of paper. The abstract should be self-contained (without footnotes) presenting all items of paper’s subject about which new results have been gained and emphasising the conclusions most important from scientific point of view. The abstract should not exceed 200 words in length. The main text of paper should be divided into sections and subsections (if needed the subsections may be divided in paragraphs). These parts of the text should have relevant headings numbered accordingly by only one number (1.), two numbers (1.1.), or three numbers (1.1.1.).

6. In the text, the greatest care must be taken to observe consistency in the use of abbreviations for units and other expressions.


Source references in the text of the article should be given in square brackets, e.g. [4], numbered consequentially in citation order and listed at the end of the manuscript. Journal references are to be written as follows: initials(s) and surname(s) of author(s), title of a paper, journal name (italic) abbreviated according to the American Institute of the Physics Abstracts published by the American Institute of Physics, volume, issue (only if needed), page numbers (inclusive), and year in brackets; while book references should be written as follows: initial(s) and surname(s) of author(s), title of a paper, title of book (italic), volume number, page numbers (inclusive), the publisher, its location, and year of edition. Follow the three examples; for a journal, a book and a paper in a book, accordingly:

1. D.A. Scriber, M.R. Kruer, and J.M. Killiany, “Infrared focal plane array technology”, Proc. IEEE 79, 66–85 (1991).
2. P.Y. Yu and M. Cardona, Fundaments of Semiconductors, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1996.
3. M.A. Kinch, “Metal-insulator-semiconductor infrared detectors”, in Semiconductors and Semimetals, Vol. 18, pp. 313–378, edited by R.K. Willardson and A.C. Beer, Academic Press, New York, 1981.

Please use the following format to the cite material from this journal:
    Author(s), "title of paper," Opto-Electron. Rev. volume, page numbers (year)
For example:
    C.R Wronski, L. Jiao, R. Koval, and R.W Collins, "Recent advances in the understanding of a-Si:H based materials for performance of their solar cells," Opto-Electron. Rev. 8, 275-279 (2000)


1. Figures should be numbered consecutively and should carry a caption. Legends for figures should be typed on a separate sheet of paper. Decimals not fractions should be used with metric units. SI units are preferred. The figures should be identified by the name of the first author, and the title of the paper on the front of the figure, well outside the image area. Please do not write on the back of the figure because it will be picked up to the scanner. All illustrations should be able to withstand 50% reduction. Please ensure maximum black-white contrast in your original figures. Authors are also encouraged to submit a floppy disk containing electronic figure files. The preferred figure’s editor is the Corel Draw. Figures may be published in colour, if this is judged essential by the Editor. The Publisher and the author will each bear part of the extra costs involved.

2. Photographs are expensive to reproduce and should only be included when they undoubtedly contribute to a better understanding of the text. Only glossy prints showing good contrast should be submitted. Care should be taken to write lightly on the backs of photographs.


Tables should be numbered consecutively and independently of any figures in the paper. Their position in text should be indicated clearly. They should have brief titles and column headings.

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