A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I |
J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R |
S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | other |
Keywords in abstract - issue(number)first_page
absorption 14(3)253,
active pixel sensor 14(1)11,
alignment layer 14(4)281,
ambient drift compensation 14(1)47,
amorphous silicon 14(1)25,
liquid crystals 14(4)281,
antiferroelectric mixtures
APDs 14(1)1,
APS 14(1)11,
avalanche photodiodes 14(1)1,
bandgap shift 14(3)201,
bimaterial cantilever 14(1)55,
Bragg's grating couplers 14(2)161,
CCD 14(1)11,
CMOS image sensor 14(1)11,
coarse wavelength division
multiplexing 14(4)311,
coherency of light
complex media 14(3)167,
composite medium 14(3)179,
composites 14(4)275,
computational electromagnetics 14(3)167,
coupling coefficient 14(3)253,
coupling matrix 14(3)253,
cubic spline interpolation 14(2)129,
DDC 14(1)61,
deformations of dye-doped nematic layer 14(2)149,
of light 14(4)299,
detectors 14(1)1,
diffraction 14(3)179,
digital detector 14(1)61,
diode pumped lasers 14(2)135,
director field 14(2)149,
discrete diffraction 14(4)287,
dispersion 14(3)233,
dispersive plasmonic hole 14(3)233,
double negative 14(3)179,
drift of easy axis 14(4)293,
dual band 14(2)103,
dynamic holographic
recording 14(4)275,
easy axis 14(4)293,
electric field distribution 14(2)149,
electrically small antennas 14(3)167,
electro-optical properties
elementary magnetic and electric radiators 14(3)253,
ellipsoidal scatterers 14(3)253,
envelope function 14(1)71,
eutectic 14(3)205,
evanescent waves 14(3)243,
external cavity 14(2)129,
fabrication 14(3)187,
Floquet harmonics 14(3)253,
focal plane array 14(1)19, 14(1)61,
FPA 14(1)11,
FPAs 14(1)79,
GaN 14(2)155,
GaSb 14(1)19,
geometry 14(3)187,
gliding 14(4)293,
HDTV 14(1)11,
heterostructures 14(1)37,
hexagonal ferrite resonators 14(3)253,
HgCdTe 14(1)1, 14(2)113,
HgCdTe detectors 14(1)87,
holographic gratings 14(2)149,
holography 14(4)335,
InAlSb 14(1)61,
InAs/GaSb 14(1)71,
induced birefringence 14(4)329,
infrared 14(1)19,
infrared detector 14(1)71,
infrared detectors 14(1)55,
infrared photoelectronics 14(1),
infrared photodetectors 14(1)37,
infrared sensors 14(1)33,
InSb 14(1)61,
interface 14(1)71,
International Workshop on
Liquid Crystals for Photonics 14(4),
IR detector 14(1)61,
infrared detectors 14(2)103, 14(2)113,
integrated optics 14(2)161,
liquid crystals 14(4)275,
isotropic 14(3)179,
laser diode 14(2)129,
laser direct modulation 14(2)123,
laser frequency chirp 14(2)123,
laser parameters estimation 14(2)123,
laser resonator 14(2)141,
lasers 14(3)167,
lasing 14(4)323,
lateral light propagation 14(4)263,
lead-chalcogenides 14(1)33,
left-handed materials 14(3)193,
lithography 14(3)187,
crystal 14(4)293,
liquid crystals
low-frequency noise 14(2)155,
LWIR 14(1)25,
macroporous silicon 14(3)201,
MCT 14(1)61, 14(1)79,
metamaterial 14(3)179, 14(3)213,
metamaterials 14(3)167, 14(3)187,
14(3)193, 14(3),
microbolometer 14(1)25,
microbolometers 14(1)1,
micro-pulling down method 14(3)205,
microstructure 14(3)205,
mixing rule 14(3)179,
mode locking 14(2)135,
molecular beam epitaxy 14(1)33,
multicolour 14(2)103,
multistable analogue
MWIR 14(1)25,
nano-optical devices 14(3)243,
near field imaging 14(3)213,
negative permeability 14(3)193,
negative refraction 14(3)225,
nonlinear metal/dielectric nanostructures 14(3)217,
optical bistability 14(3)217,
optical data storage 14(4)335,
optical fibers
optical nonlinearity in
liquid crystals
optical sensor 14(1)55,
optical sensors 14(1)1,
optical spatial solitons 14(4)263,
optical waveguide technology 14(2)161,
optical wavelengths 14(3)225,
optics 14(4)323,
output beam characteristics 14(2)141,
oxide 14(3)205,
PDLC 14(4)299,
Pearson's correlation coefficient 14(2)129,
phased arrays 14(4)269,
photoinduced director reorientation 14(2)149,
photonic band gap 14(4)339,
crystal fibers
photonic crystals fabrication 14(3)225,
liquid crystals 14(4)335,
photovoltaic detectors 14(1)37,
plasmon resonance 14(3)243,
polymer optical fiber 14(4)311,
"power-save” 14(1)47,
quantum dot (QD) 14(2)103,
quantum well (QW) 14(2)103,
quasi-static resonance 14(3)217,
QWIP 14(2)113,
QWIPs 14(1)87,
readouts 14(1)79,
reflection 14(3)253,
resonant cavity 14(1)33,
RNU prediction 14(1)47,
scattering 14(3)167,
self-mixing interferometry 14(2)129,
semi-infinite 3D array 14(3)253,
SESAM 14(2)135,
silicon 14(4)269,
silicon substrates 14(1)33,
small pitch 14(2)113,
Sofradir 14(2)113,
solitons 14(4)287,
spherical particle 14(3)179,
split ring resonator 14(3)193,
spontaneous polarization 14(4)319,
subwavelength guidance 14(3)233,
subwavelength imaging 14(3)213,
superlattice 14(1)19, 14(1)61,
surface oxide layer 14(3)201,
surface plasmon polariton 14(3)233,
surface plasmons-polaritons 14(3)243,
surface wave 14(3)233,
Tb3Sc2Al3O12 14(3)205,
TbScO3 14(3)205,
TDI 14(1)61,
tensor of effective dielectric permittivity 14(3)217,
thermal imaging 14(1)19,
third generation 14(2)113,
third generation detectors 14(1)87,
threat warning 14(1)1,
tilt angle 14(4)319,
transmission 14(3)253,
two-colour detectors 14(1)1,
type II superlattices 14(1)87,
uncooled detectors 14(1)1, 14(1)37,
uncooled FPA 14(1)47,
uncooled IRFPA 14(1)25,
UV detector 14(2)155,
variable curvature mirror 14(2)141,
VOx technology 14(1)47,
waveguides 14(3)243,
2D array 14(1)25,
480×384 element detector 14(1)61,
640×512 element detector 14(1)61,